Friday, February 8, 2013

"The World is Your Oyster!"

Yesterday I was sitting speaking with one of my co-workers, and we were discussing taking chances in life by attempting to accomplish what seemed to be far fetched goals we have thought of over time.  Through the conversation I blurted, "The world is your oyster!"  This outburst caught both my co-worker and me off guard, and we were both momentarily filled with laughter.  Neither of us paid much more attention to the outburst as we proceeded with our work day.  However, I could not get that phrase out of my head for the remainder of the day and night.  I kept hearing "The world is your oyster." 

Now I am not one to live my life by the words of clichés, but I do like applying analytical thinking to how they might influence my insight and ultimately my output.  Since I clearly could not shake this cliché from my thoughts, I did the only thing I knew to do which is inquire with God concerning what this phrase meant for me.  The traditional meaning of this phrase is that the world is yours to enjoy; it is there for your taking.  However, here is what I received concerning the cliché "the world is your oyster."

There are so many tasks to be accomplished through us.  We have bucket lists of goals we want to accomplish, projects we want to complete, skills we want to master, and new things we want to try.  However, we are the reason that none of these things are coming to be.  We are crippled by fear, frightened by defeat, and devastated by our past or our human limitations.  When we realize that we are simply vessels created by an ALMIGHTY FAITHFUL GOD to accomplish HIS GRAND tasks, we can open avenues of success in our lives.  To tap into the awesome power of God it might help to ackowledge and truly understand the words of David in 2 Samuel 22:33, "God is my strength and power, And He makes my way perfect."  David spoke these words after God had saved him from the hands of all of his enemies and from the hands of Saul.  David knew about the power, strength, and faithfulness of God.  David knew that whatever God did and wherever God led him would be perfect because God is perfect.  This is the same power, strength, and faithfulness that we have access to as heirs to the Kingdom, and this is also the same thought process we should carry with us on a daily basis, that God is perfectly faithful so we should trust Him 100%.

So yes the world is your oyster!  We can attempt to accomplish anything we can fathom for we are not relying on our human frailties, but we are believing in the indescribable, uncontainable, incomparable, unchangeable power of the Most High.  Attempt every goal.  Operate in ministry.  Attain a new educational level.  Gain more knowledge.  Whatever you can envision take it to God in prayer and with His leading move toward being His hands and feet to accomplish His work and bring Him glory.  Do not be afraid to try.  

The world is your oyster!  Sometimes we may attempt to accomplish a task, and by our standards we may fail.  Again, take it to God in prayer and allow Him to reveal the true outcome of your actions.  He is the only One that defines and determines true success.  So as you go out to accomplish the work of the Lord throughout the earth, know that sometimes you might find a genuine pearl in that oyster and other times you might discover a scrumptous mollusk to feast upon.  Whatever the result is, you will receive what has been prepared for you by the Father Himself.  If you do not attempt to harvest the oyster, you will not have what the Father has created and has waiting just for you.  

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