Saturday, September 10, 2011

SheRocks is Gearing Up...

Its been a crazy month!  We've been taking a crash course in website design, filing necessary paperwork, honing our God given ideas/talents, studying, meditating, planning, name it, we've done it and are still in the process of doing it!  We sincerely pray that our ministry journey will be a blessing to you and a fragrant aroma unto our Father in Heaven.

Until we launch, we will periodically be posting some updates filled with our progress, spiritual food for thought, and whatever else the Lord may lay on our hearts to share.  Please feel free to follow us here or on Twitter, become a fan on Facebook, and/or Suscribe to our YouTube channel!  We truly appreciate your support and ask you to continue to pray for us as well! We will be doing the same for you!  TGBTG

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