Friday, September 30, 2011

Emptying Out to Be Filled and Consumed

Wow.  What can we say but Glory to God!  On this day, 1 day before the official SheRocks Ministries launch, we both are very aware of the realness of ministry and the responsibility to God and His people.  We are humbled and so grateful for the opportunity to embark on this journey of serving God.

Today, it seems God is impressing in our spirits the importance of emptying out.  In order to be effective in ministry and to be effectively consumed by God, we have to be filled full of His love for us.  True to the Ministries' foundational scripture (2 Chronicles 7:1 "When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the LORD filled the temple." - NIV), what is apparent is that there is a burning sensation when becoming consumed by God's glory.  Not that it necessarily hurts as in literally being burned, but there is a flame that comes to incinerate those things that are not needed and set ablaze the things that have been fueled by the Holy Spirit.  This means that it is our duty to not try to hold on to things that have no business being in our lives, our bodies, our hearts, and our minds.  It is our desire that Shekinah Rocks will be a living, breathing example of striving daily to allow His consuming power and glory to reign in our lives.

Do we expect this to be easy?  No (Lol, the answer to that was easy)!  We know that it will be by nobody's help but the Father above.  But we know, beyond a shadow of doubt, it is so neccessary for us to BE the ministry, not to partake or just 'do' ministry on the side.  We pray that from SheRocks' blog, FB, Twitter, YouTube, and website that you will be able to infuse your daily lives with more of God, so that you too can be consumed by Him in all areas of your life!  God is so worthy of our all, our everything, our BEST...not just what's left after we've done everything we wanted to do.  We love God and we love you and are praying for you!

Be sure and comment, leave us a message, hit up our website (, Like Us on Facebook @Shekinah Rocks Ministries, Follow Us on Twitter @ShekinaRocks, Subscribe to our Youtube channel @ShekinahRocks!  TGBTG!!!

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