Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blast from the Past...yet it Still Lasts

Sometimes, taking a look back into our diaries or journals from the past, we learn so much about where we were and how far we've come...this original piece was written almost 2 years ago now (January 26, 2010). Quite frankly, it still holds true.  We hope you enjoy...TGBTG always.

I can't believe I never realized
How much he truly loves me...
Everyday without fail he is up before I wake
Lovingly watching me sleep...

And when I finally get out of bed
He is there waiting to help me on my way
Even when I don't have time to greet him
He still continues loving me anyway

I don't understand how he never gets tired
Because I call him all the time
And no matter how busy he could be
He is always ready to hear whats on my mind

And when I am working or going about my day
He sends me small reminders without cease
Just to make sure that I am certain of his love
So, that I can function not in stress but in peace

I can barely seem to fathom
How he can continue to patiently wait
When I've been too busy to even pause
To tell him that I loved him at all today

And regardless of mistakes in my past
He never stops seeing the best in me
Even at my worst and in my darkest hour
He still continues to invest in me

I can't bring myself to grasp
How sometimes I put him on trial
Even after days of not talking
He still manages to embrace me with a smile

And when I'm upset and alone at night
Unable to fall asleep because I can't stop the tears
He is readily on-call to come at my request
And gently whisper his love into my ear

I don't comprehend his ability
To see past the mess in my life
He keeps reassuring me of his role
To simply love me for the rest of my life

And sometimes I feel so overwhelmed
Because I never paid attention before
...never realized how much he knew about me
And how he longs to have me more

I can't believe I never realized
How much he truly loves me...
So much that he gave his own blood
To be sacrificed on calvary

And now I promise you God
That I will try to be the best I can be
I pledge my life, my love, and my body to you
...Because you first loved me

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